Junior Navigator is the first of a two-part program of study in offshore (open coast) navigation. It is designed as a practical, how-to course using GPS for offshore navigation with sun sight taking using a sextant as a backup technique. The more advanced techniques for other celestial bodies and sights are for study in the subsequent Navigation Course.
JN subject matter includes: basic concepts of celestial navigation; how to use the mariner’s sextant to take sights of the sun; the importance and techniques of accurate time determination; use of the Nautical Almanac: how to reduce sights to establish lines of position (LOPs); and the use of GPS, special charts, plotting sheets and other navigational data for offshore positioning and passage planning.
Junior Navigator is the first of a two-part program of study in offshore (open coast) navigation.
[cpsShortFeed sname=’CPS Vernon’ squad=”1105″ course=”JNNAV01″ cname=’Junior Navigator’ location=1 to=”vernon@cpsokanagan.ca”]
[cpsShortFeed sname=’CPS Kelowna’ squad=”1102″ course=”JNNAV01″ cname=’Junior Navigator’ location=1 to=”kelowna@cpsokanagan.ca”]
[cpsShortFeed sname=’CPS Ogopogo’ squad=”1104″ course=”JNNAV01″ cname=’Junior Navigator’ location=1 to=”ogopogo@cpsokanagan.ca”]