In this course you will study topics like El Niño, summer monsoons, or lake effect snows. Work with measurements such as air pressure, temperature, dew point and wind direction/speed to sharpen your forecasting skills.
Appreciate the inner workings of tropical cyclones (hurricanes) and chinooks. Develop skills in offshore sailing and advance planning including the use of weather services and interpreting data.
Study the weather in all its moods.
Global Weather expands on concepts introduced in the Fundamentals of Weather.
[cpsShortFeed sname=’CPS Vernon’ squad=”1105″ course=”WEATHGLOB1_0″ cname=’Global Weather’ location=1 to=””]
[cpsShortFeed sname=’CPS Kelowna’ squad=”1102″ course=”WEATHGLOB1_0″ cname=’Global Weather’ location=1 to=””]
[cpsShortFeed sname=’CPS Ogopogo’ squad=”1104″ course=”WEATHGLOB1_0″ cname=’Global Weather’ location=1 to=””]