
Fundamentals of Weather

This course covers many aspects of the formation and behavior of the weather around us. Meteorology is quite technical in nature, whereas Fundamentals of Weather is presented in a clear, straightforward manner that eliminates much of the jargon.

The study of weather is both fascinating and satisfying. The skills you will develop from this course will serve you for a lifetime. With practice, you will be able to make short term forecasts – challenge the professionals as to who better predicts the weather in your local area.

With Fundamentals of Weather, you will forecast the weather beyond ‘red sky at night’.

Covers many aspects of the formation and behavior of weather, presented in a straightforward manner.
[cpsShortFeed sname=’CPS Vernon’ squad=”1105″ course=”WEATHFUND1_0″ cname=’Fundamentals of Weather’ location=1 to=””]
[cpsShortFeed sname=’CPS Kelowna’ squad=”1102″ course=”WEATHFUND1_0″ cname=’Fundamentals of Weather’ location=1 to=””]
[cpsShortFeed sname=’CPS Ogopogo’ squad=”1104″ course=”WEATHFUND1_0″ cname=’Fundamentals of Weather’ location=1 to=””]

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